Scholarships for Girl Students

Scholarships for girls who are economically weak are instrumental in providing financial assistance to deserving female students who may face financial constraints in pursuing their education. These scholarships aim to promote gender equality and empower girls by enabling them to access quality education.

Santoor Women Scholarship

BITES has associated with Santoor Women Scholarship (by Wipro Cares) program which provide grants of Rs 24,000/- for disadvantaged girl students during their under graduate program. This program is running through out the nation, for our member institutions Wipro cares has allocated 100 scholarships.

For more details, please go through the flyers

Kiran Girls Scholarship

Kiran Girls Scholarship and Mentoring Program, an initiative by Persistent Systems to provide grants upto Rs 40,000/- for the girl students who are pursuing undergraduate program in CS/IT/Data Science – AI/ML. As the selected students need to attend the mentoring program atleast ONCE in two months at Bengaluru, this scholarship is open for the students who are in and around Bengaluru. SEVEN scholarships are allotted to BITES Member institutions.

For more details on the eligibility criteria and application process please go the flyer  (flyer for 2023 will be updated soon)