Industry Visits

Industry visits or factory visits, are organized trips to various industrial or commercial establishments to provide faculty with a practical understanding of the inner workings of a specific industry. These visits are an integral part of educational and professional development programs and aim to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world applications.

Following industry visits were held

# Date Details
1 June 23, 2023 BITES Expert Session on “Small Satellites” and Industry Visit to URSC, Bengaluru
2 July 14, 2023 BITES Expert Session on “Satellites and their Application” and Industry Visit to URSC, Bengaluru
3 Aug. 18, 2023 Industry Visit to “Toyota Kirloskar – Advanced Manufacturing Plant”
4 Sept. 4, 2023 Bosch
5 May 8, 2024 L&T Technology Service